About conference


Economic, social and health challenges in a post-pandemic society


The main aim of the WAICHL-2022 conference is a presentation of results of scientific research and exchange of views on economic, social, and health challenges in the post-pandemic society. The objective of the conference is also activation and integration of the academic community, local and regional authorities, and representatives of economic practice and business world for promoting the healthy and socially responsible lifestyle.

Issues related to economic, social, and health challenges in the post-pandemic society will be presented at the WAICHL-2022 conference. Moreover, issues regarding religious, cultural, social, and economic effects of e-lifestyle, the impact of changes in eating habits on health and lifestyle, and changes in functioning of key institutions for culture, entertainment, and sport will be discussed. The conference focusses also on main challenges for health and demographic policy after the COVID-19 pandemic and the quality of life of people with disabilities.

Moreover, issues related to methods and quality of statistical surveys in the area of measuring quality of life and the importance of population censuses for the analysis of demographic, social, and economic changes in the modern world will be debated. Additionally, preliminary results of the National Population and Housing Census 2021 in Poland will be shown.

Not only representatives of academic and medical communities, local and regional authorities but also representatives of economic practice and business world who deal with issues in health and lifestyles in the modern world are being cordially invited to attend the conference.

Wroclaw Annual International Conference on Health and Lifestyle (WAICHL-2022) is the sixth WAICHL conference and the eighth conference on health and the quality of life organized by the Institute of Economic Sciences of the University of Wroclaw and its partners. The conference I Do Not See the Problem – the Quality of Life of People with Vision Dysfunction was held in 2015. A year later, the international conference The Quality of Life for Disabled People at the Beginning of the 21st Century took place at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of the University of Wroclaw. The WAICHL conferences have been organized since 2017.

The languages of the conference are Polish and English.

There will be a poster session during the conference.