
  1. Cultural, religious and legal aspects of the human lifestyle
  2. Social and economic problems of young and aging societies
  3. Sustainable development and lifestyles
  4. Implementation of the sustainable development goals in Poland and in the world
  5. Impact of climate changes on human health and life
  6. Smart development and lifestyles
  7. Social and technological innovations on the promotion of the healthy lifestyle
  8. Deconsumption as the challenge of the 21st century
  9. Food and nutrition problems in the contemporary world
  10. Healthcare systems in developed and developing countries
  11. Pharmaceutical care in developed and developing countries
  12. Contemporary challenges in health policy in Poland and in the world
  13. A lifestyle of a family and the health of its members
  14. The quality of life of socially excluded people
  15. A lifestyle of people with disabilities
  16. The impact of sport, tourism, and recreation on the mental and physical condition of man

The suggested topics do not cover all health and lifestyles issues in developed and developing countries. The Organizers are open to any topics which can enrich discussion on the relationship between health and lifestyles in the contemporary world.