About Conference

Wroclaw Annual International Conference on Health and Lifestyle (WAICHL-2018)

Social, economic and health problems of developed and developing countries


The main aim of the WAICHL-2018 conference is the presentation of results of scientific research and exchange of views on health and lifestyles in developed and developing countries from the perspective of sustainable development.  Besides, the objective of the conference is activation and integration of the academic community, local and regional authorities and representatives of economic practice and business world for promoting the sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

Topics of the WAICHL-2018 conference directly refer to the selected goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September 2015. During the conference the following issues: sustainable development and lifestyle, impact of climate changes on human health and life, food and nutrition problems in the contemporary world, deconsumption, healthcare and pharmaceutical care in developed and developing countries, contemporary challenges in health policy, social and economic problems of young and aging societies, quality of life of people with disabilities and socially excluded people, and dissemination of information technologies, social and technological innovations in developed and developing countries will be presented. The conference also focusses on the measurement of the selected aspects of the quality of life and lifestyle, including research of the Statistics Poland on health of people and the role of official statistics in the monitoring process of sustainable development goals. Besides, issues regarding cultural, legal, religious, and  environmental/natural determinants of the lifestyle of a modern man will be discussed. 

Not only representatives of scientific, academic and medical communities, local and regional authorities but also representatives of economic practice and business world who deal with issues in sustainable and healthy lifestyle are being cordially invited to attend the conference.

The WAICHL-2018 conference is the second WAICHL conference and the fourth conference on health and the quality of life organised by the Institute of Economic Sciences of the University of Wroclaw and its partners.  Wroclaw Annual International Conference on Health and Lifestyle (WAICHL-2017). A lifestyle as an important element of the healthcare system – medical, legal and socio-economic approach was held on May 11-12, 2017. The international conference The Quality of Life for Disabled People at the Beginning of the 21st Century took place at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of the University of Wroclaw on June 9-10, 2016 and the conference I Do Not See the Problem – the Quality of Life of People with Vision Dysfunction on June 11, 2015.

The language of the conference is Polish and English.

There will be a poster session during the conference. Posters should be delivered on the first day of the conference. The Organisers do not print the posters.