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Wroclaw Annual International Conference on Health and Lifestyle - WAICHL 2017

A lifestyle as an important element of healthcare system - medical, legal and socio-economic approach


The health is a value which allows a man to carry out the bodily functions and derive some satisfaction from studying and fulfilling duties towards the surroundings in which the person functions. In the middle of the 20th century, the World Health Organization accepted the definition of the public health as “the knowledge and art of the prevention of illnesses, prolonging the life and promoting the health by organized social efforts”, and in the next decades WHO granted the priority to the promotion of health.

A special promotion of the healthy lifestyle can contribute towards a reduction in the demand for medical services, and hence for a cut in expenditure on the health care. According to Marc Lalonde, a lifestyle determines in fifty per cent the medical condition of the man. Such an approach defines the man as the entity who is responsible for managing the own health. The health is treated as a natural resource, similar to the natural environment in which the human being exists. Managing the own store of the health should be based on the rational feeding, the physical activity, the rational consumption of medicines, the elimination of the self-destructive consumption and on the applying the health prevention.

An activation of the local government, scientific and business community for the promoting the healthy lifestyle is a main aim of the conference. Popularization of the newest findings concerning the health and a lifestyle is the organizers’ matter of prime importance. The identification and the presentation of legal, medical, economic and public essential aspects in the health sphere will facilitate the development of the healthier lifestyle model in Polish households, which in the future can cause the incidence of diseases associated with the progress of civilization to reduce. The conference focusses on patient’s rights for medical services, diagnostics of illnesses, treatment and prevention, and influence of feeding and the physical activity on the health.

Not only the representatives of scientific and academic communities, but also the representatives of the economic practice and business world who deal with the matter of a healthy lifestyle are being cordially invited to attend the conference.

WAICHL-2017 conference is a continuation of the international conference The Quality of Life for Disabled People at the Beginning of the 21st Century which took place on June 9-10, 2016 at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics of the University of Wroclaw.